Apps & Software iOS Photography & Video

My top 4 iPad apps for photo editing

Guest author: Michael Penn In this day and age, the iPad is becoming more of a powerful working tool than it ever has been before. With iOS 11 coming out this fall, the iPad is getting some much-needed upgrades to really help it along in the work and education categories. It has also been a great…

Photography & Video Smartphones

Video & photography gear roundup: The tech I’m travelling with

Being a tech and travel blogger means that I’m always creating video or photography content, and until now I’ve relied on my smartphone to get me by. The camera quality on smartphones are so good nowadays that it’s easier than ever to create professional, high quality content and I’ve been pretty pleased so far. That said, I wanted to…

Apps & Software iOS Smartphones

Fastest ways to open your iPhone camera

Sometimes we have to be sharp to capture an important moment, but by the time you unlock your phone, open the camera app and steady your hands — the moment could be gone. Thankfully, iOS 10 has some very useful features that enable you to open the camera app quicker and faster than ever before. Here are four of…

Photography & Video Smartphones

Samsung Galaxy S7 rear camera test in 1080p (Video)

The guys over at Three UK recently sent me the Samsung Galaxy S7 to play with, and so far I’ve absolutely loved the cameras on this thing. Its front facing camera has been impressive with a wide angle, crisp image quality and high resolution shooting capabilities. The rear camera also had a lot to get…

iOS Photography & Video

Google’s Motion Stills app creates fun GIFs & movies from your Apple Live Photos

I love Apple’s Live Photo feature because it’s a brilliant way to capture a moment beyond a static photograph. The combination of audio with that brief second before and after creates a fun and interactive memory. Sharing those Live Photos is a problem though since they need to be created into GIFs before you can…

Photography & Video Smartphones

Samsung Galaxy S7 front camera test (Video)

The Samsung S7 is the first Android smartphone I’ve used in a long time that actually makes me consider ditching my iPhone 6s Plus. It’s a great looking & feeling phone with plenty of features, but the most appealing thing here is the Samsung S7’s cameras. Why the front camera matters to me I tend to use my iPhone 6s Plus to record any video…

Photography & Video Smartphone & Tablet Accessories

Give your iPhone DSLR controls with the Pictar camera grip

If you love taking photos and videos with your iPhone but want a more comfortable, DSLR-like feel to the experience, miggo’s Pictar camera grip is going to grab your attention. Currently undergoing a Kickstarter campaign that has reached half of its goal with 35 days still to go, this $90 gadget has been built to…

Photography & Video Smartphone & Tablet Accessories

Manfrotto Pixi Mini Tripod Review: A Versatile Photography Tool

The Good: Good looking, well built and versatile tripod. The Bad: Not ideal for prolonged use with a DSLR camera, particularly if you intend on using it in front-facing/selfie mode. It’ll get a tad heavy. The Bottom Line: For the asking price, it’s hard to fault the Manfrotto Pixi Mini. It’s a well made tripod that’s great for…

Photography & Video Smartphone & Tablet Accessories

Aukey Optic Pro Lens Review: An Affordable Wide Angle Lens For iPhone

The Good: An affordable photography accessory, well constructed and is versatile enough to be used on various smartphones. The Bad: The image quality could be better, since it leaves a soft focus and lacks the definition of the standard camera lens. The Bottom Line: For the price, the Aukey would make a nice little photography companion for your…

Apps & Software Photography & Video

Best Ways To Store Your Photos Online For Free

How often do you back-up your photos? Here are some of the easiest and best ways to store your photos online for free.