Featured Smartphones & Tablets

How The Nokia Lumia 1020 Plans To Replace Your Camera

Whilst our smartphones have already taken over from our MP3 players, laptops and gaming consoles; Nokia now wants to make sure their newest addition, the Nokia Lumia 1020, replaces our digital cameras for good too.

How do they plan to do that? The Finnish manufacturers announced that the Lumia 1020 will boast a 41-megapixel camera. Yes, you read that right. 41-megapixels. If you’d like a comparison to put it in to perspective, the iPhone 5 has an 8-megapixel camera and the newer Samsung S4 has 13-megapixels. Impressive right?

Nokia Lumia 1020

Quality Camera vs App Ecosystem

Now, I’m sure that the insane camera will make all of the compulsive instagramers and more serious photographers happy – but just how important is the camera quality when you weight it up against the app availability on Windows phones?

The Windows ecosystem has been sluggish to release apps in comparison to the Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store. Unfortunately for Nokia in this case, a lack of native media apps like Vine, Instagram and Snapchat means that users won’t really benefit from the camera for social sharing; making the Lumia 1020, well, just another smartphone.

Who Exactly Is The Lumia 1020 For?

Nokia’s marketing is based on the strap line “zoom reinvented”. That focus on photography as a key feature of the Lumia 1020 is most likely to attract serious photography enthusiasts, which raises the question: will the average consumer will be drawn away from their powerhouse smartphones for the sake of an amazing camera?

Charles Arthur (The Guardian) argues that people are becoming much better at distinguishing differences in the quality of photos and the truth is, as our screens become superior – we’ll all begin to notice it more. Having said that, does the common user really need a 41 megapixel camera to share a photo on Facebook or Instagram? Probably not.

Aside from that, the complications of moving across mobile operating systems could cause issues too, assuming the person is using Android, Blackberry or iOS for example. The main problem for me, is that although Nokia is trying to raise the bar on what our smartphones can do, the shortcomings of Windows 8 (especially in terms of the app ecosystem) limits the success of this phone; with or without a 41-megapixel camera.

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By Fabio Virgi

I'm the guy behind Let's Talk Tech and a travel blog called Fab Meets World. Some people call me a geek, I think they're probably right. I'm fascinated by technology and innovation, love good design and own way too many gadgets for my own good. Want to connect? Get in touch on Twitter and Instagram.