The internet is a wondrous place full of wondrous things. Internet technology began as a backup measure should the American phone service be destroyed by an attack. It eventually led to the advent of TCP/IP in the 1970s, and then Tim Berners-Lee’s World Wide Web took hold. The internet is completely different nowadays; its commercial, entertainment…
Author: Joseph Silva
A major gaming enthusiast and very possibly addicted to coffee, Joseph mainly covers the world of gaming and computer hardware here at Let's Talk Tech. Connect with him over on Google+.
Back in the late 80s, every gamer with a home console or PC dreamed of owning a virtual reality (VR) headset that they could play their favourite games on. Alas, while a number of developers worked on the idea for decades, VR was simply too expensive and technologically difficult. That is, until a few years…
If you’re looking for a selection of premium channels and can overlook the file compatibility issues; then the Roku 3 is going to be a great way to upgrade your TV experience at home.
In the SSD space, OCZ has already established themselves as one of the leading brands with products like the Vertex 4 and the flagship Vector.
With their acquisition of Indilinx back in 2011, they’ve now produced the Vertex 450 using in-house components giving them more control…
Affordability and top notch performance, these are two words that lie predominantly in our minds when considering SSD upgrades. As far as affordable upgrades go, SanDisk’s Extreme II 240GB SSD is definitely one to consider, but with so many alternatives out there – does this SSD really bring anything new to the table? Priced at…
The 64GB DataTraveler USB is an inexpensive yet very fast pocket data storage unit. Priced at an average of £0.78 per GB and featuring a sleek aluminium outer shell, it’s not hard to tell why it is one of the more appealing choices in the market.
Diablo III would probably rank amongst the most anticipated games of the past 12 years and much to our joy, Blizzard announced the third instalment of the series on May 15th 2012. So, in this review I’ll be looking at whether it lived up to the expectations of diehard fans and new gamers alike. Storyline…
Do you own a desktop PC that’s lagging behind? Maybe you’ve already been considering a replacement for it but don’t have the cash to splash out. If that sounds familiar – I feel your pain. Over the years, as software has become more and more advanced, the components in our machines have inevitably become obsolete…